José Ferrer

  • In AIRPLAN since 1996
  • Partner and Member of the Board of Directors since 1998

B.S. Physics and Engineering – West Chester University (USA), B.S. Aerospace Engineering – Pennsylvania State University (USA), and Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics –  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT (USA).

He began his professional career in 1992 at the European Space Agency, ESA-ESTEC (Holland), and continued in the process industry at STORK-COMPRIMO (Holland). He joined AIRPLAN in 1996 as Project Manager and was technical and marketing director; in 2011 he was appointed President and Managing Director.

Our goal cannot be other than the established half a century ago by our founder: to prosper beyond economic profitability, increasing the value of the Organization with products and services that fill us with pride and which can positively impact the Society.